Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Week 1 - Day 2 - I need new shoes!

I got up this morning at 6 am and got dressed to go for my run. I put on my shoes which I've had for 6 months or so. They are cross trainers and I've known that they didn't feel good on my heel for a while. But being the slow witted twit that I am I thought it was me and that I was just out of shape, which I am, but that I would "work through" this small inconvenience. I was wrong. Again.

I got out on the road in front of my house and began the warm up walk and everything seemed ok, in fact things seemed better than OK. I felt a new sense of purpose and like I was doing something really good, but my achilles tendon was still very sore and achey. I powered through it and started my run, that first minute was so different than two days ago that I felt great and I thought "Hey this is getting easier already...Wow!". I got to the first walking part after that minute and I started to feel a little more pain, but again I thought that I should just power through it. The second minute run was good too, as well as the third. But when it came time to start the fourth run, my achilles just screamed bloody murder and I fell down to the ground clutching my ankle.......first, it did NOT pop, it just hurt like hell and I decided that it was time to walk back home. So I hobbled back to the house and took a shower. I am buying new shoes today, specifically RUNNING SHOES. I am not going to ruin my chances of getting healthier over a stupid pair of shoes, I may just burn the ones I have now.

So I took away two things from this experience: First - I can already tell that my heart and endurance are starting to improve, thus encouraging me further. Second - always get the right equipment, I do for every other hobby I've had and I still subscribe to that theory. I happy that people all over the world can do great things without the proper equipment and that's great for them. But I'll bet you a dozen donuts that if they HAD the choice they'd get good stuff too.

And now for the moment we all dread, my post-run picture! And don't make fun of the shirt, at least I'm wearing one for now. :)


  1. Found you on C25k Alan - and like you I'm on a journey to lose 100 pounds (well maybe 90 but I'd like it to be 100!). Anyway, when you are shopping for those shoes may I make a suggestion? Check out the Nike + shoes. I do not personally have a pair (yet) but I did get the Nike + sportband to wear around my wrist that tracks my walks (runs) and it just pops out and plugs right into the USB on my computer and it basically "tells" on me! LOL! I put the little sensor in a little key pouch that is velcroed to my shoelaces but the Nike + shoe has a built in spot on the shoe for the sensor. Also, you can choose to share that info that is uploaded on your blog or Facebook. Google the Nike+ sportband and check it out.
    Good luck and by the way, you and I started the C25k on the same day. Hope we both continue to be faithful with it.
